What would Jesus Drink?
Weed it and Reap

Friday, March 26, 2004
  What would Jesus drink? I'm convinced that the Wedding of Cana Water Pots were loaded with 2000 Leoville Barton as their red and 2001 Rombauer Vineyards Chardonnay. Some of you might recall my tasting notes on the 2001 (which, if I were as clever as Joffre, I would link you to them). However, I am now drinking the 2002. It is delightful, but a bit more apple than the previous year's vintage. Still those cedar tones along the back of the mouth, but fresh and crisp and delicious. If I were rating wines, which I choose not to, I'd rank this one behind it's elder brother - but maybe thats just because it needs a bit of time. As for the 2000 Leoville Bartons, well, I haven't had one yet. Still looking, though the local wineshop just got in three cases of the 1998's. Gotta get me some.

For those of you who are very dear to me, I was given opportunity to tell a new friend of mine the story of the wine rack. You will never know how much that meant to me. I'm very grateful.

Monday, March 22, 2004
  I'll just let this quiz speak for itself.

I am the Master of the Universe!
Magister Mundi sum!
"I am the Master of the Universe!"
You are full of yourself, but you're so cool you
probably deserve to be. Rock on.

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, March 16, 2004
  Alright, so you guys visit my blog often! I'm so delighted that I'm going to be a dad. Lots of fun! Let me see - there were questions. Ah, yes, Moriah, the Gall-child is due in the first part of November (which makes this an early announcement, I know. But we're excited so whaddaya know?! Sarah, thanks for your well-wishes. I hope the child get's Alaina's looks, but my constitution. As for names, we have been kicking around a few, but none we've settled on. One theme I have always liked for boys is a Prophet/Priest/King motif. I don't know if this means our boys will have four names, "Nathan Aaron David Gall" or some such. Then again, as Dr. Liethart once reminded me, most of the prophets WERE priests. Or we could do one boy as the "Prophet", etc. Betcha can't tell what I'm hoping for. Guess what the wife's hoping for. Oh, by the way, we're both firstborns so a lot rides on this one.

CPVS: You could visit me, but if you want to do so - let me know in advance and when you come to the security desk tell them you are coming to meet with the manager of the Caribou. In the Best Buy complex you have to have a security badge or be escorted. Also sometime between 11:00AM and 2:00PM would be best. I'll call you with this info, too. Otherwise, it's a hard 'Bou to get to. But we have a captive audience!

Joffre, I can't tell you how many times I wish you were my partner in our two-man-bar system. Imagine a morning pulling shot after shot after shot, with no other concern than to make sure they're all perfect. I miss you, bro. See you in May. You got the tickets?

Oh, and its now sadly official: A&I will not be returning to Moscow in May for Graduation barring a miracle. Joffre has kindly offered to do his best to bring Moscow to Me the weekend after graduation. (FYI: The Kitty's in the neighborhood of $300.00, iff you know what I mean). And Charles, you're more than welcome to join us for a smoke when he's here.

"One wonders why Franciscan wines cost a [fraction] of the price of Opus One when the only thing that separates the two vineyards is a road." - Robert Parker. A comment viewed at my local wine store this evening. As you know - or have read a time or two, Franciscan is a favorite of mine. If you're in Moscow, visit Terry and tell him I sent you and that I greet him and miss him for his patient expertise in his dealings with a amatuer hack. Really, everything I know I learned from him. Franciscan Merlot's are around $20.00 at the Wine Co of Moscow. They're not as big as the L'Ecole 41 Merlot's, but they're less expensive and just as fun to drink (or age and drink).

Alright, well. I'm visiting each of your blogs almost every day, but I'm too busy and way too tired to think of anything exciting to say. Well, except for last night and even that was brief. I've got a good staff, but they need me. Often.

Monday, March 15, 2004
  Alaina's pregnant.

Saturday, March 13, 2004
  It was so nice seeing CPVS' Moose-Depthcharged face on Friday afternoon. A Muscovite visiting me in my coffeeshop! Well, ok, not mine, but the one I was working at. He was a welcome sight, giving me the latest gossip and all that jazz. I realized I'd been out of the loop when he and I were discussing certain controversies and all I had to go on was HateSplotch and Moscow's Vision 2020. And that's not that much. But it sounds like things are simmering down in the Mecca of Paedo-Comm, though the Liberals on Vision 2020 don't seem to be happy. Oh well.

As far as "My Coffeeshop" goes, I now have my own and what a coffeeshop! I'm now managing the Caribou Coffeeshop in the Best Buy Corporate headquarters. Of course, I've signed off on certain things saying that I won't say certain things, so I can't tell you much. But it is a very nice shop, perhaps the nicest 'Bou I've been in, especially in a professional sense. New, top of the line equipment and a really great environment. Come visit!

Not much else to tell you at this point - I've been far too busy to read much other than business books.

  It was so nice seeing CPVS' Moose-Depthcharged face on Friday afternoon. A Muscovite visiting me in my coffeeshop! Well, ok, not mine, but the one I was working at. He was a welcome sight, giving me the latest gossip and all that jazz. I realized I'd been out of the loop when he and I were discussing certain controversies and all I had to go on was HateSplotch and Moscow's Vision 2020. And that's not that much. But it sounds like things are simmering down in the Mecca of Paedo-Comm, though the Liberals on Vision 2020 don't seem to be happy. Oh well.

As far as "My Coffeeshop" goes, I now have my own and what a coffeeshop! I'm now managing the Caribou Coffeeshop in the Best Buy Corporate headquarters. Of course, I've signed off on certain things saying that I won't say certain things, so I can't tell you much. But it is a very nice shop, perhaps the nicest 'Bou I've been in, especially in a professional sense. New, top of the line equipment and a really great environment. Come visit!

Not much else to tell you at this point - I've been far too busy to read much other than business books.

Saturday, March 06, 2004
  This guy stole my design! Everything! I mean, I borrowed a design on a website called Maystar - but he even took the "Design by Maystar" and "Powered by Blogger" AND the Haloscan ref I posted. THE SAME. The Thief! Visit him and harass him:

The Thief!

Ah, well. Seriously, I'm honored. And, I also know how to get even. I'll steal his tagboard.

  I just finished watching The Transporter which I enjoyed very much in a non-intellect stimulating sort of way. The pounding music, the kicking, the pounding, the fights. All very fun. But the reason I mention this on my blog is that the hero is perhaps the first I've ever seen who takes off his shirt to reveal a chest of David Young proportions, use the shirt as a weapon, finish the fight (which takes him away from his shirt) and the actually have then decency to return to the shirt AND put it back on. Very nice. Thank you.

Reminds me of my Brother, The Shirtless Wonder. Some of us appreciate guys who keep their shirts on.

Thursday, March 04, 2004
  "I think there are a lot of guys who stop short of [paedo-communion] by sheer will, not to say wilfulness."

A quote from somebody wicked smart whom I really, really respect.

And like.

And drool on his shoes.


  As has been noted in comments by visitors to other sites, some ex-Bucer's staff have not been as regular in their posting as other ex-Bucer's staff. Indeed, this is not for lack of desire, nor even for lack of will. Rather it seems to be rooted in the abilities of certain ex-Bucer's staff to post while at work, whilst the ex-Bucer's staff remiss in posting is unable to do so. Alas.

Moving on.

1999 Franciscan Merlot, Napa Valley
Very Berry! This wine is coming into it's peak right now. Pay attention to that Jamin Wight! It's a good time for the right time with this wine. I've got four more bottles and if I see any of you within the next year, I'll bring one out. It is starting to develop hints of age around the sides when you look at it in the glass and also if you swirl it around in your mouth. Note that these are good hints, accompanied by very soft tannins and a still-vibrant fruitiness.

Concerning Caribou Coffee: Of course I can't say as much on my blog as I would like, but this much is true: I have no idea which coffeeshop I will be getting and it has been made clear that I will probably not know untill I am kidnapped from my house at 4:30 in the morning and told "Kid, listen up. This is the shops you's going ta manage. Now get in there and make coffee."

The coffee I'm drinking now is sour. Yuck.

Reading N.T. Wright on the Resurrection and he breaks down the Sadducees disbelief in the resurrection and compares it to the Pharisaical belief in it. The reason the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection was not that they were the liberals, but rather they were the conservatives. This is because they had a far more limited canon than the other groups in Israel, recognizing only the Pentatuech, which does not discuss the resurrection explicitly. In contrast, the Pharisees had a similar canon to what we recognize, perhaps more perhaps less, and they looked to passages like Daniel 12 to support the resurrection. Since the Pharisees recognized the resurrection, they also affirmed that there must be an interim state (which is how Josephus can describe them as semi-platonists) where the soul is disconnected with the body. Since the Sadducees deny the resurrection, the soul is not necessary and existence ceases. Hence Josephus in describing what he terms "philosophical camps" of Israel, describes them as stoics.

Now when you read the Acts account of Paul before the Sanhedrin, and he throws the Resurrection into the room, it clatters down at the feet of the Pharisees who take opportunity to fight with the Sadducees again on the topic, and it also explains the line at the end of the passage about angels or spirits. They aren't saying Paul was an angel or spirit, but that maybe he was visited by an angel or spirit. This would have been a good time, for the right time, with a Franciscan Merlot, for Paul to explain "already, not yet" to the Sanhedrin, but Warrior Theology sometimes demands making an exit with your life intact when it is possible to do so without compromising the Gospel, even if the details get a little fuzzy. Thus, I think we can excuse this lapse.

I'm reading two books on business right now, for the obvious reasons. One says, "Build your team first, then wave your sword around your head and point in the direction you're going." (Good to Great: Why some companies make the Leap and Others do not). The other book argues for leadership first: "Run your vision up the flagpole, see who salutes." (What Leaders Really Do). At Bucer's I think I was more of a Team First guy and I think things will stay that way, but I'm trying to develop the whole concept of leadership, especially in communicating a vision to my team members. Should be interesting.

"Let your Business Philosophy come out your Fingertips." Will Dougson.

Speaking of running, I'm going to go do just that.


Oh, And CPVS, this raspberry's for you.

Hello, I am a beer guzzling, book inhaling, coffee sipping, tobacco puffing, thought thinking, cigar smoking, espresso making, paper writing, wine connoisseur who sees dumb chiasms

My name Richard Gall
I am married to Alaina Gall
I am training to manage a
Caribou Coffee Shop
I am an Alumnus of
New Saint Andrews College
in Moscow, Idaho

Visit these sites

Biblical Greek
Moscow's Vision 2020
New Saint Andrews
ATIA Reject Site
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Summit Brewery
Deschutes Brewery
Wine Street

Other Annoying People

The Waif
'Jefe' Swait
David Hoos
Tim Enloe
Moriah Phillips
Carrie Marks
Erika Ridgeway
Remy Wilkins


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